There’s a few smileys on Facebook chat (when it works), and here they are:

Happy :)

Really happy :D

Wink ;)

Happy eyes ^_^

Laughing eyes >:o

Cat smile :3

Grumpy >:(

Sad :(

Crying :'(

Shocked :O

Glasses 8)

Cool shades 8|

Tongue :P

Woot?! O.o

Dork -_-

Duhhh :/

Devil 3:)

Angel O:)

Kiss :*

Love < 3 (without the space otherwise it will look like this ♥ )

Pacman :v

Robot :|]

Dude :putnam:

Shark (^^^)

Penguin <(“)

Forty Two :42:

Bold *Bold*

Underlined _Underlined_

Bold & Underlined *_Awesome_*

Sparkly circles ↑↑↓↓← → ← → B A Enter

(Scroll or Type to see it, Press F5 to remove it ;) )
