From the first moment The Killers came on to Mr Brightside to the last beats of Battleborn, they blew any thought that they were  spent force away.

It was 7 years since I’d seen them support U2 at the Millennium Stadium and this was the first chance I’d had of returning to see one of the best support acts I’ve ever seen.

There are no superlatives left for me to try and explain how good live they are. Even tracks that weren’t singles took a life of their own, and just when you were expecting a lull in proceedings, the empty room sprung to life again.

Of all the venues on this current tour, I’d say the Motorpoint Cardiff was the smallest – 5,500 capacity, but for that you get the feel of a small venue with a large crowd – best of both worlds. (Although on a side issue, Cardiff needs a larger capacity venue as well as all the current small ones), anyway I digress.

I was able to check out the set list before the gig started, such was my location by the sound desk… and to start with Mr Brightside was a bit strange to be honest… the houselights were on when the bang came out…and stayed on during Mr Brightside… MB finished, then the arena was in darkness – effective and very different.

I’ve seen many a band in the last 12 months and The Killers rank as one of the best. No video or photo will do the gig justice, simple as. Not even my own, but for those that were there it’ll be a reminder of when Las Vegas came to town, The Killers, killed it big time in Cardiff

