Can’t actually remember the last time I’ve posted a blog in any shape or form.

Looking back through the posts here, it’s a good 2 years ago or so.

So why come back now? Well, I’ve been learning how to do things better, and using different tools in doing so, also sorted my own website – instead of having this hosted on WordPress. As much as I like the platform, having your own is better – and I couldn’t use plugins before, whereas I can now.

I could so the whole, “so where’ve I been” thing, but I’ll leave that for the time being.

I just felt I could come on, sort my site out a bit (it’s what you would call a work in progress by any means), and I’ll be adding podcasts I create here too, as well as other projects I’m part of, personal and professionally.

I’ve got a fair bit of catching up to do with regard reviewing stuff too – the pandemic had a bit to do with that to be fair, plus my personal life, but we’ll get to that a bit later.

Meanwhile, I’ve just had a birthday, and also have time off from work, so here I am.

Thank you to everyone who wished me happy birthday on socials. I’ve not really been on socialmedia for me lately – just didn’t feel up to it, and that’s the thing with this coming back thing, there will be gaps between being on here or not.

That’s how life is now.

Find me across social media below