FACTS that make you WELSH: … Can you answer YES to THREE of the following?
- You were late because you were stuck behind a tractor
- Even though you’re fluent in Welsh the only sentence you know is ‘rydw i’n hoffi coffi’ thanks to Bryn on Gavin & Stacey
- You’re either called a ‘Gog’ or a ‘Taff’
- You say hear/here/ear/year in the same way
- Wales v. England in the Six Nations is the most important day in your year – FACT
- When people say they are going to a Spa you instantly think they’re going shopping
- Drinking Brains isn’t as weird as it sounds
- That coat is indeed my jacket
- You raise a small cheer when you see the “Croeso I Gymru” on the M4 or Welcome to Wales as you come down the hill from Ross into Monmouth.
- You’re a Welsh speaker but turn the pamphlet/leaflet over and read the English version anyway
- Your last name is one of the following: Williams, Gwynne, Bevan, Llewellyn, Morgan, John, Rees, Powell, Howell, Davies, Lewis, Thomas, Jones, Griffiths, Morris, Evans, James, Roberts, Jenkins, or Owen
- When you go abroad you have to explain to people where Wales is, and that it is most definitely not part of England
- You vote for anyone and everyone who’s Welsh in a TV talent show
- Hugh Pugh, Max Boyce and Derek the Weatherman are all TV personalities you recognize but no-one else does
- One of your friends has gone AWOL from school, because they have a Tractor Exam and/or helping on silage
- A village/town 3 miles away is described locally as being “just around the corner” or “just down the road”
- You don’t know the surnames of any of you friends; you refer to them instead as Dai the Milk, Will the Shop, Ron Top Road, or Mark Ty-Draw
- You remember watching Ivor the Engine, Will Quack Quack, Sam Tan and Super Ted
- The words ‘proper’, ‘tidy’, ‘never’, ‘like’ and ‘lush’ are used on a daily basis and everything ‘does my head in’
- You’ve used the phrase ‘I’ll be there now in a minute’ on several occasions
- You have to repeat yourself at least seven times because nobody understands your accent – even to your friends
- You read an English word with ‘ch’ or ‘ll’ in it and then read it the Welsh way in your head
- It’s ‘mam’ not ‘mum’
- You’ve been to at least 3 castles
- A cwtch is the answer to all of your problems