Previously, on my blog…
I’m up to about November 2019.
I’ve found my birth family, connected with some siblings on social media, and messaged my birth mum.
As I said previous, the phone call with my BM was a bit scary, and as I’ve also mentioned before, I think I was too quick to say “it’s okay”, I should’ve let her explain a little – but she was nervous, as was I, and I’ve not really listened back to it (I recorded it – yes).
In the meantime of all this, I did have birthday cards and messages from my new birth family, and I also started calling them “the Irish fam”, or “Irish mum”, to kind of separate who I was talking about when I was talking about this.
In the 2 and a bit years since, I’ve only spoken to my BM once, and I’ve spoken to some of the rest of my siblings a handful of times, but we’ve kept in touch across messenger. On birthdays I send cards, and same for Christmas too (who knew how awkward it can be to send food to Ireland on some couriers!).
It’s all been quite a rollercoaster of a time, as 18 months back in March 2020, COVID19 hit.
Now, who’s to say I would’ve visited and met up in this time since? But it’s provided a bit of a barrier to say the least, although there’s also part of me that thinks it’s not a bad thing too. I’ll explain.
In August 2019, I had a psychic reading. Now whatever your beliefs are on this, aren’t really the point, but things were said to me, by a woman, whom I’ve never met before, doesn’t know anything about me, and wouldn’t have known anything in particular about me being adopted. I may have said online about being adopted, yes, but no specifics. She gave me a lot of places, names or ideals – and they were all correct over the next few months. It’s not about telling my fortune either, but what she said struck some major chords. One thing she mentioned was a trip to Ireland, and I would feel overwhelmed about it all. And this is my point of this part – having 18 months when I couldn’t travel to Ireland, has allowed me time to process things better. You’d think anyway, because on the next post, I’ll explain about how the last 18 months have been…. and they’re not as you’d think.
Thanks for checking me out.